As many of you might be aware that Indian Railway released notification for the recruitment of non-technical posts. Today I am sharing the detailed syllabus for this exam.
The written exam will consist of 100 multiple choice questions. Each question carries one and half mark. Negative marking system for each question for which a incorrect has been given by the aspirant, 1/3 of the marks assigned to the MCQs question will be deducted as penalty to arrive to your obtained mark. Candidates get exam syllabus in following section mentioned in table :-
Sections Total Marks
General Knowledge 20
Arithmetic Ability 25
General Intelligence 25
General Science 30
Syllabus of RRB Exam for 18252 Vacancies is given below:
1. General Knowledge
- Current Affairs - National & International
- History - India & World
- General Science
- Indian Economy
- Indian Geography
- Indian Constitution
- Indian Polity
- Indian Culture & Heritage
- Science & Technology
2. Arithmetic Ability
- Percentages
- Pipes & Cisterns
- Time & Work
- Boats & Streams
- Time & Distance
- Interest
- Data Interpretation
- Profit and Loss
- Averages
- Simplification
- Problem Based on Ages
- Geometry
3. General Science
- Natural Resources
- Pollution
- Acid Rain
- Ozone Layer
- Greenhouse Effect
- Sound
- Biodiversity
- Health
- Diseases
- Gas, Solid, Liquid
- Chemical Reactions
- Plant and Animal Tissues
- Force, Motion and Work
- Animal & Plant Breeding
- Organic Farming
- Efficient Fertilizers use on the Diary Farm
- Structure of Atom
- Electricity
- Metals and Non - Metals
4. General Intelligence
- Analogies
- Similarities
- Problem Solving
- Differences
- Analysis
- Relationship Concepts
- Observations
- Verbal and Figure Classfication
- Space Visualization
- Decision Making
- Arithmetical Number Series
- Arithmetical Reasoning
- Visual Memory
- Discrimination
- Judgement R
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