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India's 10 Points Action Plan to Punish Pakistan:

India's 10 Points Action Plan to Punish Pakistan:

1. Stop shouting on TV.
2. Launch a slow and sustained campaign to inflict pain and costs.
3. Break diplomatic relations. It can't be business as usual. Tell the world that India has aright to retaliate against Pakistan's ongoing undeclared war.
4. Declare moral and diplomatic support to Baluchi and Sindhi nationalists.
5. Withdraw from Indus Water Treaty, 1960 andslowly but increasingly curtail the flow of water to Pakistan after every terror attack.
6. Launch a cyber war on its govt sites.
7. Impose full economic sanctions. Stop all trade, even if it hurts our own exporters. Stop Indian companies who export to Pakistan through Dubai.
8. Tell global companies, including the Chinese ones, if you trade with Pakistan, you cannot trade with India.
9. Tell Bollywood and BCCI not to entertain any Pakistani actors, singers and cricketers.
10. And finally, tell pro-Pakistani Indians - a. notto insult our martyrs; b, not to gloat on Modi's failure; and c, stand united behind India.If you agree share this message with everyone that you know

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