Staff Selection Commission (SSC) published answer key for the post of Junior Engineer (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, QuantitySURVEYING
and Contract) Examination 2015 (Tier-I) & published result for the post of Constable (GD) in CAPFs/NIA/SSF and Rifleman in Assam Rifles re-examination, 2015. Jr. Engineer exam will be held on January, 2016 & Constable (GD) & Rifleman re-exam was held on November, 2015.
Junior Engineer Exam was held on 31-01-2016
Constable (GD) & Rifleman exam was held on 22-11-2015
Constable (GD) & Rifleman exam was held on 22-11-2015
(Answer key's link will be available up to 21.03.2016 at 9 AM)